Here the Numbers: Over 600 Million Visitors on AliExpress!
638,000,000 Visits/ Month
As of today (11/5/2016) Aliexpress is getting over 638,000,000 visitors each month. Yes, that is over half a billion people each moth! The exact visitor number is not public but Similar Web provides a great estimate.
In addition, an average users spends almost 10 minutes on the site and views over 10 pages when browsing on AliExpress. Which is a great indicator on how immersive this site is.

28% come from Russia
Most of the visitors to AliExpress come from Russia (27.83%), over the past 3 years AliExpress has risen in Russia and is now one of the major e-commerce platform in Russia.
Another 5.9% of Aliexpress Visitors come from Brazil. Similar to Russia, in Brazil, Aliexpress is becoming one of the top 3 e-commerce sites and is growing by 30% year over year.
Traffic from the United States of America is slowly growing with the increase of AliExpress's Buyer protection. In the past U.S. customers reported lost packages due to the poor postal service. However, this has been fixe after AliExpress introduced the ePackage option on almost all of their products.

AliExpress - A Global Brand
The AliExpress brand is becoming a global name which explains why most of the traffic to is originated from direct traffic. Search engine only comprises of 19%, whereas links to AliExpress comprises of 25% and indicates how much AliExpress is being shared throughout the internet.